
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Why do young people feel the need to break away from their parents?

Why do young people feel the need to break away from their parents?

We are born, and live with our parents. They maintenance us, paying our education, our holidays, to our…what year? Do we now when its time to separate from our parents, and start to live on our self’s? And when we decide to leave our home, are we sure that, we are ready to live alone, and paying our expense’s by our self’s, and work so we can afford that expense’s? It’s a question that tortures us the young people, and our parents, and the answer it depends individually…

I think that we should separate from our parents, on our 17 or 18 year. It’s a good age to live on our own, to start working and stop asking money from our parents for everything, to start making meals not always waiting for our mum to feed us, to start wash up our self’s, the money we earn we need to learn where to spend them, and so on, and so on… Those things are the most simple and the most needed things in the usually life. And those things, we could learn at home, but we won’t learn them, like we could on our own, or with some roommates. But, not everything is good to get out from home on 17 or 18. Why? Wheel, there are some young people that they can’t without their parents, because their so strong connection, or because they have some problems with their health. But, and when you are not home, with nobody’s supervision on your head, you feel the freedom to do whatever you want, and in same cases to do staff which are out of limit. Those staff could be drinking very often alcohol and causes an illness, to start drugging, and to start to beehive unusually, and the consequences could be tragic, like the HIV virus, or other dangerous diseases.

So, I have many friends who are not leaving with their parents while they are studding in other town. And they are leaving with roommates. At someone the roommates are great, and they convenience them in everything. But, on the other side, the roommates are totally disaster. They don’t clean, don’t prepare lunch, they always have guest, and it’s just unsupportable.

So, if you choose to leave your parents at your 17 or 18, you must choose good roommates who are compatibly to you, and you have to beehive correctly. But, if you choose to stay with your parents until you graduated, you must now, that after that it’s a time to start to live a new life with the first step to separate from your parents. Its on you to choose…


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